Why Google Pixel 6a is the best phone I’ve ever used

When it comes to choosing my daily-drive smartphone, I get extremely picky because nowadays your phone is essential in doing and completing day-to-day or work-related tasks. Here is why I chose to daily the latest budget phone from Google.

Smartphones I used before

I had used both a Samsung and an iPhone prior to getting the Google Pixel, and my experience with them was mixed.

Using the Samsung galaxy A51

The Galaxy A51 was the phone that skyrocketed my interest in smart devices. At first, it was amazing to use it. A large gorgeous display, good battery life, and a decent camera. It was my first phone to have an ultrawide camera, which is what really got me hooked onto taking pleasant pictures. However, it was an extremely slow phone — if you do just a bit of multitasking, expect it to throttle quite a lot.

I know what you are going to say about how I need to try the flagship S lineup, but we cannot forget that they are almost $1,000 compared to the Pixel’s price.

So I wanted something faster, which is when I came across the chance to daily the iPhone 7.

Using the iPhone 7

The iPhone 7 was really refreshing. The smooth optimized software experience, and the performance of social media apps in particular was something I really appreciated coming from a sluggish mid-range Android phone. All the perks of an iPhone such as iMessage and Airdrop was helpful as well. However, the major dealbreaker was the battery life. The tiny 1960 mAh battery that came with the tiny display in today’s standards would have to be charged several times in a day, not to mention the capacity deficit given how old the model is.

Making the switch

Since there are quite a few major factors that the Pixel 6a is an excellent phone, especially at that price tag, I will go through each of them thoroughly.

The stock-android experience. It is clean. It is optimized. It is fun. If you want the best Android experience, the Pixel series is THE choice.

The camera. It is hands down the best camera system under $450. In fact, it can seriously give flagships a run for their money. All you have to do is point and shoot; it is tremendously reliable and consistent, with the shutter speed quick like a blink.

The performance. As much as Google Tensor does not match rival chips from Qualcomm and Apple in terms of raw power, its combination with a lightweight stock Android makes flicking through apps very fast with animations buttery smooth. Multitasking is not a problem either.

The battery life. The 4400mAh battery is plenty to last all day long in my case. What my daily usage is like:

I do not game, but on the rare occasions that I do, it does not affect the battery life much.

I never turn off my cellular data, but I use LTE instead of 5G due to reliability issues. (Pro tip: Turning off 5G boosts battery life significantly.)

I do not disable any background “smart” features, such as Now Playing.

The display. The 6.1-inch display is small enough to comfortably hold, but big enough to fit a lot of content. It is a gorgeous OLED display, providing true black and high contrast.

More favorites

The design of the 6a is a delight, sharing the same look with its flagship processors. I love that visor look — gives the lineup a distinction from rivals, especially in days where all Android phones look the same.

Pixel-exclusive features such as Call Screen, Now Playing, Magic Eraser are such a treat as well. It is safe to say that typically, you will have the smartest phone in the room.


Summing up everything, Google Pixel 6a is the best phone under $450. In fact, it is down to $299 right now on Amazon. One of the best point-and-shoot cameras, the stock android experience, a sleek design and a smart, fast processor makes Pixel 6a one of the best deals on the smartphone market right now.


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