How I Escaped Smartphone Addiction and Found Productivity with iPhone


As a software engineer, I found myself confined to my home during the COVID-19 pandemic, and my smartphone became both a lifeline and a source of distraction. Without the structure of an office environment, I gradually succumbed to the siren call of social media, losing precious hours in its endless scroll. It wasn’t until one day when I realized that my phone had taken control of my life, and I was mindlessly surfing through Instagram without even noticing. The culprit? Notifications. Those little pings were hijacking my focus and attention. This realization prompted a journey of change and a switch from Android to iPhone.

Identifying the Problem

I began to monitor my behavior closely, trying to understand why my phone always seemed to pull me away from important tasks. It became evident that notifications were the primary culprits. Each notification triggered my amygdala, demanding an immediate response. My solution? I silenced my phone permanently. But the addiction persisted. I uninstalled Instagram, but a similar behavior emerged with Snapchat. Even with minor differences, I couldn’t escape the grasp of my Android phone, especially when YouTube introduced “shorts.”

The Google Services Dilemma

Here comes the victim. Android devices are intertwined with Google services, offering users an array of free tools and apps. Yet, the catch was clear — ads. For the sake of advertisements, Google wanted my time and focus. They aimed to keep me glued to my phone, consuming content and distractions.

Seeking an Escape

Desperate to break free, I embarked on a quest to find a smartphone that was devoid of Google services. My search led me to a UK-based company, but their offerings were exorbitantly expensive. I attempted to disable YouTube, but it proved to be a challenging feat.

The iPhone Revelation

I patiently waited for the right moment to purchase an iPhone 13 at a more affordable price. That decision changed my life. With an iPhone, I gained control over my smartphone usage. No longer was my phone using me; I was using it.

Statistics Before and After Switching

The transformation was astounding. Before the switch, I spent six hours a day on my mobile device; now, it’s down to a mere four hours. My reading habit has flourished, with a daily commitment of 1.5 hours, allowing me to devour 15–20 pages in a single sitting. I’ve unlocked the potential for deep work, resulting in increased earnings and learning. Most importantly, I’ve reclaimed valuable time.


In hindsight, I’ve come to understand that many Android phones are engineered to keep you tethered to your device, whereas the iPhone is designed to help you focus on your work and life. My experience as a tech enthusiast has shown me that the right choice of smartphone can truly transform your productivity and well-being.

So, why did I switch to iPhone? It’s simple: I wanted a phone that wouldn’t use me, but one that I could use to enhance my life. The iPhone was the key to that transformation.


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